This is a new development in the college that A.K. Gupta sir (full time) is new H.O.D. of Civil end Env. Engineering. Alas! there are some problems associated with this, firstly, he is very less known among our faculty members and students as a professor and secondly because of his extra kind and patient nature ( lovingly known as Gauu among students); this encourages our old H.O.D. to not to give him proper regard as a H.O.D. and also, he has not vacated the room allocated to Gupta sir.
There was a funny incident on 22nd April class when a dog came in the class may be to avoid the heat outside and get fresh air conditioned atmosphere (not to study..lol).
as Sir refused to oust this beautiful creature, Narendra had to show his skills. He kicked it and made it run away. Narendra should change his name, I guess because it does not suite him.