How to train your dragon!
another disney animation. What is this really about? humm.. starts with some strange place on the latitude of 'mysery'
the story starts with the attack of dragons, who aren't actually fierce but really cute looking,on the viking village for the cattles. A boy 'Hiccup' who is not that strongly built as the other boys in village, is the protagonist as the next scenes suggest. He is weak,not that quick and maybe a bit unlucky too. Later it turns out that chief of the tribe is his father and he is not being able to live upto his expectations. Though Hiccup is ambitious and he shows this by attacking the 'night fiery' dragon, which is the most feared of. He later finds out that he injured the dragon and it is in the valley, near the lake. He adds a fin to it's tail and during oncoming days he starts riding it. It becomes his pet and he learns the behaviour of the dragons by this Night Fiery dragon named 'Toothless'. Hiccup impresses the whole tribe by taming all the dragons which had been kept to teach the new kids. During this episode his father was out with many warriors to find out the nest of the dragons.
Now Astrid (Hiccup likes her) finds out about the Toothless and then Hiccup takes her to a fantasy ride in the clouds on the back of his astonishing pet. Right at that moment she gives her heart to the hitherto pariah boy,Hiccup. Then during the finals of the dragon learning course Hiccup's father saves him from the attack of a dragon and then truth comes out when Toothless comes to his rescue. Pet is captured and Hiccup was given rest. The chief now moves to the nest with all the warriors and imprisoned Toothless. There they were caught unaware by the great dragon and were about to be killed by it.
Then Hiccup comes with many of his friends riding over different dragons, then Hiccup frees Toothless and eventually kills the great dragon; during this effort he looses his one leg but wins the faith of his father. The tribe domesticates the dragons and story gets a happy conclusion !!
This story is very much similar to other animation movies in the past but the fight scene in the start and the mystry sorrounding the night fiery dragon grows the interest. Children get a lesson to be nice to the animals and tu pursue their dreams and so on...
This movie is good atleast better than ice age series, in my opinion. But nowhere near the other four leading SHREK movies of dreamworks animations. Laughs are rare and maybe it is more towards the young kids... haha
Nice.. :)